Wealth Education

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What gives you money forever is Wealth.!!!"

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Tuesday, July 8, 2008


Sathguruve Saranam

Gurucharanam Saranam


Would you like to have an entertainment forever?

Would you like to have peace of mind?

Would you like to become luckier?

Aquatainment invites LUCK.

Aquarium Matters!!!

Gurucharanam Saranam


Your kind attention is invited to the details of an Aquarium:

Let me explain some of the Features of an aquarium:
a. Aquarium is considered to be one of the No.1 Hobbies in the World.
b. It is a thing of beauty.
c. It soothes our minds.
d. It is a complete eco-system.
e. It is an educational tool also.
f. Putting an aquarium in its right place invites peace, prosperity and luck.

Dear..., now please go through the Advantages of our aquariums:
a. Here we use Toughened glass.
b. You know that the Toughened glass is stronger than the ordinary glass.
c. Only live aquatic plants are used in our aquariums.
d. Only healthy ornamental fish we deal with.
e. World class quality Products are our specialty.
f. Professional touch in execution.
g. Complete After sales service is provided.
h. Full Guarantee is another Mega specialty.
l. Customized Users manual will also be provided.

Dear ., pls. note the Benefits also:
a. Being a thing of beauty, it will attract more and more people to the area.
b. The Toughened glass, in general, does not break.
c. We are using scientific techniques to keep the water clean. It makes the plants grow, provide health to fishes and increased attraction to the viewers.
d. Since world-class products are used in our aquariums, there is less chance for complaints and the overall performance will be very high.
e. The professional touch provides correct positioning, artistic designing, perfect combination of plants and fishes etc.
f. The provision of after sales service gives you the benefit of easy maintenance.
g. Guarantee enables you to maintain the aquarium forever.
h. The customized user manual will give you the information about maintenance of the aquarium and other special tips.
i. Above all, it is a solace to the people who come to our office or home.

Dd-Aquarium’s Specialties:
a. The know how of 14 years of dynamic experience will reach you.
b. The vast knowledge by undergoing scores of in-depth training courses is within your reach.
c. You are most welcome to the fold of our hundreds of valuable, happy clients all over India.

Please Note:
1. 75% of the total amount is to be remitted as advance.
2. The balance 25% on the installation date.
3. Half-yearly renovation @ 10% only.
4. All additional purchases will be @ 10% discount.
5. Yearly gift is one of our specialties.
6. We are happy to inform you that an annual award is instituted for the best maintained aquarium.

Aquatainment invites Peace, Prosperity & Luck.

With Love

Address: 'Gurunirmalam' , Santhigiri P O, TVM-695584
Addi.e-mail: dinadevan.dd@gmail.com
Official Website: www.dinadevan.com
See Dd's website: www.dinadevan.page.tl

Aquatainment invites Peace, Prosperity & Luck

User's Manual for Bowl Aquarium.

Gurucharanam Saranam

Dear ...,
Please go through the User's Manual for Bowl Aquarium.

1. Feed the Fish 2 times a day; Good timing 7 am & 5 pm.
2. Quantity: 2 Granules for a fish.
3. If any remnant after 5 minutes remove it using the net.
4. Aerator timing:only 8 hours a day.
5. If windows are closed during night, use aerator full night.
6. If any fish is seen dead, remove it as early as possible.
7. If any plant parts or any other unwanted things are seen in the water, remove them.
8. If any plant comes out of its bed, refix the same.
9. Weekly change 5 Ltrs. of water and add same amount of water to the bowl.
10. This fresh water should be kept in sunlight for atleast 7 days[to get rid of chemicals].
11. If the water is seem turbid, do the above process.
12. If any uneven movement of fish is noticed, shift the fish from the bowl.
Do wash your hands before putting them in the tank or working with any equipment that will come into contact with your tanks water. Soaps, creams, medicines etc can all harm your inhabitants.
14. Do look at your tank every day to check your fish and invertebrates health. Are they acting differently than normal, do they have any damage or signs of illness etc
  • Do react quickly when you think something is wrong.

1. Don't add any other fish,plant or material to the Bowl.
2. Don't give overload to aerator.
3. Don't tap on the glass.
4. Don't close the opening of the bowl.
5. Don’t overfeed. This is most probably one of the most common mistakes for a beginner. Fish always appear hungry and it is very tempting to feed them often but this can cause all sorts or problems – the most common being poor water quality. If nor corrected this can lead to sickness and death of your fish and inverts in a short time. If you are going to very often then ensure you only feed small amounts and that it all gets eaten immediately.

6. Don’t use fly sprays, air fresheners, incense etc in the same room where your fish tank is placed, as they may well poison your inhabitants.

With Love
Address: 'Gurunirmalam' , Santhigiri P O, TVM-695584
Addi.e-mail: dinadevan.dd@gmail.com
Official Website: www.dinadevan.com
See Dd's website: www.dinadevan.page.tl

Aquatainment invites Peace, Prosperity & Luck



Fish-keeping is a wonderful entertainment.

An aquarium inspires us to learn more about nature.

It relieves tension and soothes our minds.

Putting a perfect aquarium in
its right place invites luck.

We will do this for you.

 Our Specialities:

* There will be guarantee for the whole Aquarium &
Guarantee can up date in every Halfyearly.
* We will provide you with know-how to maintain the Aquarium.
Designed and executed by specialists.
* Materials used will be of World-class quality.
* Simple, neat,attractive and affordable.

Table Top Aqua:
Litre. =50
Guarantee=6th Month
Service =6th Month
Glass =Toughened.
Top =Glass
Purpose =Yes.
Speciality =Its top can be useful to place things.

Twin Aqua[2]

Litre =25 X 2
Guarantee =6th Month
Service =6th Month
Glass =Toughened.
Top =ply or glass.
Purpose =Yes.
Speciality =Its top can be useful to place things like Flower-wase, phone...


Litre =150
Guarantee =6th Month
Service =6th Month
Glass =Toughened.
Top =Nil
Purpose =Yes.
Speciality =Inside a shelf.

Double-sided Aqua.
Litre =350
Guarantee =6th Month
Service =6th Month
Glass =Toughened.
Top =Nil
Purpose =Yes.
Speciality =Inside a wall and Double-side view.


Dinadevan[Aquarist & Pond Designer]

Money Developer

ein BildMoney Developer

"My job is to develop and multiply my client's money and make him rich and prosperous throughout his entire life."

Our job is to suggest the right way of investing money


the right way of developing your business..

Most people use only 5% of their inherent potential. 95% of the human talent goes to their grave. This situation we have to alter. How ? It is an art and also a science.

Shall i continue..........?

"Do you have goals in life?"

" Yes", you may answer "i have goals".

"Do you have dreams in life?"

"Yes", you may answer "i have dreams".

"Do you have a plan of action?"


Yes, here lies the point. We should have a plan of action to be successful in life. Financial planning and business development techniques and such other things come into the picture.

For eg: You may be creating income and consuming the same. Perhaps, you may have some kind of arrangement for conservation[Savings]. But you may fail to recognize the importance of arranging an important factor that is continuation of income.

What is continuation of income?

If anything happens to you, wherefrom will the income come for meeting the needs of your family?.

Here comes the importance of Economic Life Value [ELV]. It is one of the factors which we should take into account while we formulate a financial plan.

Now, let us come to the Business Segment [Biz. Zone].

What will be the problems you have to face in the coming 3 years in the development of your business?

What are the possible solutions available to eliminate these problems?

What will be the great achievements you can have in the coming 3 years in your business?

What are the resources you need to have to get that achievements?

What are the opportunities you shouldn't have to miss in these 3 years?

What are the techniques you need to capture that opportunities?

We have 'something' to offer to you.

This 'something', you can say as the magic of creating and increasing money or wealth as in the hands of Uncle Scruge.

ein Bild

Just Call or mail Dinadevan

ein Bild

Take it because it is your's.

With Love and Regards,

Dinadevan, Money Developer
With best of my regards.
Address: 'Gurunirmalam' , Santhigiri P O, TVM-695584
Addi.e-mail: dinadevan.dd@gmail.com
Official Website: www.dinadevan.com
See Dd's website: www.dinadevan.page.tl
"My job is to develop and multiply my client's money and make him rich and prosperous throughout his entire life."

ein Bild

Develop Your Future into A Big Success